pet society Poo cheat Eng

1. requiement: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5

2. run Cheat engine, choose your Firefox browser , select 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

3.Go to pet society feed and play with your pet to make sure the health and happiness more than 90%,  , Input 458DE85D8970488B , First scan

4. you will find out one result at the left handside, choose this result, right click=>Disassemble this memory region, select the top line, right click =>Go to address, copy that address

5.go to, paste your address to the first box, click Enviar, Copy all of the out put result.

6.back to cheat engine, select Tools => Auto assemble  => right click=>paste=>excute your pet will start making poo, after the poo come out, DONT STOP! back to cheat engine, input 5D8BC85D89584F8B, new scan will find out one result at the left handside, choose this result, right click=>Disassemble this memory region, select the top line, right click =>Go to address, copy that address

9. back to, paste your address to the second box, choose golden poo or rainbow poo,click Enviar, Copy all of the out put result.

10.back to cheat engine, select Tools => Auto assemble  => right click=>paste=>excute

back to your pet society now, you will get lots of rainbow poo and golden poo!

from patiniox

作者: rockfu


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