Pet society – clone item


Pet society 如何克隆物件(clone item)?現在介紹如何克隆!
clone 必備軟件:
WebScarab – download|下載

1. 首先用瀏覽器進入你的facebook pet society,然後開啟已經安裝後的webscarab
2. 在你的瀏覽器中選擇
IE : 工具=>網際網絡選項=>連線=>區域網絡設定=> 選取Proxy 伺服器” 下面的選線=>選擇進階=>在HTTP中 填入localhost,後面填上8008,然後全部確定

3.打開Webscarab, 選擇intercept, 選取intercept requests“,然後選中 Methods 中的POST
4.返回pet society, 去商店買些蘋果,在買蘋果之前,webscarab可能會不斷條出一些窗口,不用理它,按accpet change吧,直到你買蘋果,買幾個蘋果,然後webscarab又會跳出新窗口,這時你要看看啦!在新窗口下面有一段重復的code! 蘋果的code 是 8E 2C E4 93 18,把這段重復的code 全部改成8F A6 B8 B2 7C 這個是2009 年蛋糕,然後按accpet change,在改的過程中如果出現其他Edit request 窗口,不要去理他,繼續編輯你剛才所編輯的窗口(最好記住你買了多少個,然後數一下跳出的窗口里面重復的code 數量是否一致)
5.返回pet society, 按F5 重新整理ie,之後webscarab會跳出一些窗口, 按accpet change吧,不然pet society 就不能登入了。登入後看看物品是否多了幾個2009年的蛋糕? 有的話說明你成功了!繼續修改其他吧

3.在行數000060,欄9-D,你會見到蘋果的code,把這個code改成你想要clone 的物品,然後accpet change 就可以了!你的朋友就會收到clone後的物品了!哈哈!

注意: 不要clone 物品多過99個!否則問題難以想象>.<!  自我克隆物品(方法一)未必成功,但方法二應該是可行的

其他code list 可以在

Pet society – 修改編碼更新
clone code 不斷更新!假如不成功,請留意更新!假如有更新,歡迎提供新clone code交流


English version please visit this website may be dead, please try more time! or you can leave a comment if u don’t understand, i can reply you in english! thank you!


作者: rockfu


Pet society – clone item 有 “ 66 則評論 ”

  1. To RockFu

    i can cloin Golden Poo yesterday night, but pet society maintenance yesterday night. i try again today, i can’t cloin anymore. any solution? pls help!!! tks!

  2. cant cloin anymore..any solution??hope tat u can settle it..pls help…

  3. daisy :

    daisy :
    can i use firefox instead?
    my pet society is not workable wen using IE7, it keep ask me update my flash player (but i’m using the latest flash player) and java script is enabled in my IE7 browser…i had o java in my pc oso…
    very headache now…
    rockfu Reply:February 18th, 2009 at 11:03 pmof coz you can! We suggest ppl to use firefox to clone item! as it’s easy to install some add-ons like flash player and java.

    but how i change the proxy settings?
    i know how to change IE (i cloned few items b4)…haha..but wanna use firefox..cos more user-friendly…
    i know tat v r not advise to clone 99 items..u mean total of 99 items or 99 items per day? (jus wanna double confirm)
    tx alot!
    rockfu Reply:February 18th, 2009 at 11:27 pmTool=>options=>Advanced=>network =>setting

    tx alot !

  4. daisy :
    can i use firefox instead?
    my pet society is not workable wen using IE7, it keep ask me update my flash player (but i’m using the latest flash player) and java script is enabled in my IE7 browser…i had o java in my pc oso…
    very headache now…
    rockfu Reply:February 18th, 2009 at 11:03 pmof coz you can! We suggest ppl to use firefox to clone item! as it’s easy to install some add-ons like flash player and java.

    but how i change the proxy settings?
    i know how to change IE (i cloned few items b4)…haha..but wanna use firefox..cos more user-friendly…
    i know tat v r not advise to clone 99 items..u mean total of 99 items or 99 items per day? (jus wanna double confirm)
    tx alot!

  5. can i use firefox instead?
    my pet society is not workable wen using IE7, it keep ask me update my flash player (but i’m using the latest flash player) and java script is enabled in my IE7 browser…i had o java in my pc oso…
    very headache now…

    1. of coz you can! We suggest ppl to use firefox to clone item! as it’s easy to install some add-ons like flash player and java.

  6. “webscarab又會跳出新窗口”

    1. 沒有反應,即webscarab沒有設定好,記得要設訂劉啦你proxy 和port ,而且要在webscarab 選擇post, clone時最好關閉msn或其他軟件

  7. webscarab-installer-20070504-1631.jar

  8. 我想問一個問題。。。要下載Webscarab是不是選webscarab-installer-20070504-1631.jar這個文件???但是我下了以後打不開?

  9. @Carter

    是 Webscarab 在 Vista x64 下安裝有小 Bug
    程式啟動時 少了一些參數
    令 Webscarab 沒有正常的 Listening proxy!

  10. 問題是我一設成 localhost 之後
    所以我覺總覺得是 router 的問題

  11. 再問一下 RockFu 兄

    我用 IE / FF 照足你的步驟還是不行

    我懷疑是否因為我有用 Router 的關係?

    1. router 沒有關系,(可能要食物類克隆食物類,衣服克隆衣服,我未用過食物克隆衣服),假如自我克隆方法不可行,你可以試一試用寄物方法,開一個新戶口寄

  12. To RockFu:

    之前在 FF 不成功
    這次 IE 應該可以了
    Thanks again!
