pet society – cheat coin updated

刷pet cheat coin 更新一下指引,因為有朋友總是說用cheat enine找不到數值,今日自己改良了QM code,每小時已經有20k coin,不過代價就是CPU 100%,好在用vmware….

如何用cheat enine 搜索改變值?  更改就是當first scan 完成後, 將Exact value 改為Changed value,然後按next scan,左邊就會見到一個帶小數位的值,這個值和你happiness value一樣,這個方法比較簡單,不用兩次輸入,減少錯誤

另外, 有朋友說每小時刷得幾千,最主要是你的按鍵精靈設定得不好,記得距離不要太大,間隔時間2-5 millisecond, 不用拿刷子,自己測試一樣不通時間刷的錢,然後在修改一下間隔時間,可以幫助你取到更多金錢,今日測試後15分鐘有5k coin,成績還算不錯。




“pet society – cheat coin updated” 有 133 則評論

  1. 其實一直都唔係好明,個2-5millisecond應該係邊個步驟可以設定到,我就只差呢一步,而家用個好蠢o既方法,但要自己成日坐係電腦前,按住個mouse o既left button,當佢一笑時就按住就會自己不停刷,但都只係多少少錢。

  2. 大家耐唔耐去pet society database 睇下有咩人生既目標

    無錢就搵錢, 搵到錢就儲錢 , 有入有出才是這遊戲的目的啊~~唔係有朝一日就算比你一眼間改到500 萬~ 你都唔會再玩這遊戲~

  3. 這個cheat對我黎講太麻煩~~而且自己部腦又廢

    都係等下睇下有冇更好既hack~~thxyou rockfu既努力

  4. 幾時有新方法clone 返野 … 佢抽箱d 野好難抽…rockfu大人…有錢難買心頭好…無錢更慘….有錢都留返黎買每個星期ge 新野…仲有錢抽箱咩…e家只不過止住血先ja ..不過有都好過無la依家…不過clone 野真係好正ga 希望有新方法la

  5. I’d tried.. but the point is after rubbing the pet for a few times … it stopped and smile… how can i make it like the one shown in the video…. the coin keep on coming out and the pet didn’t stop…?

  6. Eric :
    can you tell us what’s the new QM code ar..? I’d tried the one in the guide that Tiray mentioned la… but not as fast as the one shown in the video…. please advise…

    Truthly, not all the computer can get the best performance with samt settinf of QM.
    Some hints:
    Turn “toggle quality” to low(the flash image quality)
    Disable “speedhack” on CE (if your computer is not powerfull)
    Turn off most of the application on your computer
    Use IE instead of firefox
    Try different setting of QM (try something for your computer)

    pay more time to test, gain more coins

  7. @JaCo

    can you tell us what’s the new QM code ar..? I’d tried the one in the guide that Tiray mentioned la… but not as fast as the one shown in the video…. please advise…

  8. Cool :
    唔該我想問下點解我每擦完一次隻pet 一開心就要等佢加完個happiness 先可以再刷, 有冇辦法解決? 我睇你條片冇呢個問題既?

    1.SETTING 出現問題
    試下 QM 用唔同數值
    2. 電腦太慢
    如果係第二個原,試下唔好speedhach, 將pet society 個toggle quality 改做低

  9. 唔該我想問下點解我每擦完一次隻pet 一開心就要等佢加完個happiness 先可以再刷, 有冇辦法解決? 我睇你條片冇呢個問題既?

  10. Iris :
    我使用ghostmouse的,要怎么做, 现在一个小时大概8千

    how u do it? i use ghostmouse very slow oso…:(

  11. @Helper

    *_^ 你咁清楚rockfu大人既行蹤既????!!!! 有古怪呀:P

    @rockfu, 加油呀, 係你d功課呀, 大家暫時應該可以cheat到錢買野架啦, 你俾心機你d功課先啦…加油 ^_^
