Restaurant City hack coin

原來已經有新的hack coin方法, 新鮮滾熱辣,不過我覺得這方法好快就會被fix,因為會對伺服器造成好多work load, 這個方法簡介如下

CE指cheat engine (下載cheat engine) 如何使用請看以前的post



1.開CE, process 選擇你的瀏覽器,value type 用4 bytes,scan 你的分數Gourmet point, 然後first scan
2.當分數增加後就選increased value, next scan
3.左邊會出現1個address(scan不到試多幾次,分數跳得快,search到太多就再輸入然後next scan), double click add 落下面, 在下面選中按右鍵選擇find out what write to this address
4.跳出個窗口, 當你分數又增加的時候,這個小窗口會出現一行文字,里面有一個[ecx+10],選擇這一行後按 show dsassemble,

跳出另一個窗口,double click第一行的 [ecx+10]那一行將 10改100,然後就確定所有提示…
6. 錢增加了,不要停,開按鍵精靈,買物品,賣物品,可以加分,爆LV很容易…

建議用IE 進行, firefox 死的機會比較大…這hack 因為已經youtube出了,所以好快會被fix,要儲錢就快!

restaurant city hack on facebook
restaurant city hack on facebook


1.彈IE, 十分正常現象,這關系到你電腦性能問題
2.分數會加,也是正常問題,因為此hack與分數成正比,加$2 加1分
3.不能save! 其實會自動save,不過是你要開了這個Hack後不要去玩這個game,讓他慢慢去滾錢,當你覺得夠時再重新登入, 改了數值後,CE 是可以關閉的
4.IE Firefox都差不多,但本人覺得IE對系統比較好,彈是保護機制。IE7 是可以用的,flash 9和10 也可以用。
5. 自己scan 不到,不要說被FIX了….
6. 開了HACK就不要開speedhack…沒有效果

Save 不到不用怕,它會auto save,重新登入就可以

不要亂改ecx後的分數, 不然IE會關閉的…


Eng version:




“Restaurant City hack coin” 有 406 則評論

  1. CK既情況我都試過~~大概ADD左百幾人~~我再ADD人佢就WARN我~~SO ADD人都唔好咁過火

  2. CHUI你一定係add得太多人搞到俾facebook ban左-,-,因為我都中招,之後sd email俾facebk解釋個情況就會開番個acc….

    Your account was disabled because you were reported by other users for sending friend requests to people you don’t know. Facebook does this for safety and security reasons. After reviewing your situation, we have reactivated your account, and you should be able to access it now. However, if you continue to send friend requests to people you don’t know, or if you violate Facebook’s Terms of Use in some way, your account may be disabled permanently.

  3. 我試過Ban FB acc可以寄信問因乜事Ban解決到個原因可以開番架,我試過佢話我個名唔係真名而ban左,後來改番就開番成個FB Acc嘞。

  4. 請問有無人既PET之前BAN左而家RELEASE返呀…因為好似有D 人係咁喎…

  5. CHUI 唔好擔心…因为一定開唔返.我之前个acc都被ban左,我用分身睇又系唔見左.所以你都唔洗谂啦!!

  6. CHUI :登入 Facebook
    帳戶已被停用Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page 這裡.
    我再登入就見到上面個D文字咁我個AC點算丫我開分身睇PET-SO 都唔見左我AC係咪無機會開返家 T^T


  7. 登入 Facebook

    Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page 這裡.


    我開分身睇PET-SO 都唔見左
    我AC係咪無機會開返家 T^T

  8. 最好改下D award 既難度

    執 10000 舊垃圾 = = 點執呀

    買 1000 樣 interior 既野 = = 邊有咁多野可以買

  9. 今次呢半個鐘好耐- –
    唔知係咪真係FIX 左個BUG呢- –

    好在下午CHEAT 左3萬幾同升左LV JE

  10. I watched a screenshot in the playfish forum. Our resturants may be graded in five stars ’cause I saw 5 stars at the top left corner of the screen.

  11. 官網o甘講啦~

    Originally Posted by Silje
    Hi guys,

    we will be bringing Restaurant City down for Maintenance shortly.

    Unfortunately I cannot give you an estimated time for completion as we simply don´t know…

    But rest assured, we will be as quick as we can!

    There are some important updates in addition to some various bug fixes:

    – we are adding a way to securely trade locked ingredients (confirmation will be required)
    – we are adding a daily free ingredient, independent of the daily quiz

    Thank you all for your patience while we perform this maintenance.


  12. Hi guys,

    we will be bringing Restaurant City down for Maintenance shortly.

    Unfortunately I cannot give you an estimated time for completion as we simply don´t know…

    But rest assured, we will be as quick as we can!

    There are some important updates in addition to some various bug fixes:

    – we are adding a way to securely trade locked ingredients (confirmation will be required)
    – we are adding a daily free ingredient, independent of the daily quiz

    Thank you all for your patience while we perform this maintenance.


    copy from playfish forum.


  13. KK1025 /__\” 你真好.如果係加ITEMS就冇咩所謂,最好就唔好咁貴添喇.
    但咁耐… 恐怕,, :(

  14. 做咩要ban人啫??? 各有各玩之嘛…話ban人果d都冇必要嚟呢個page架, 照計 XD 不過真係MAINTENANCE咗好耐, 攪乜呢?
