Pet society – new cheat coin 3/5


1. Adobe flash player 9 , cheat engine 5.5

2. 賣or 買 一個蘋果,cheat engine 8 byte ,Hex, also scan read only memory  B045110FF2AC5D89

3.找到一個address後 =>右鍵 disassemble this memory region =>然後選擇那一行 go to address, copy address

4. 下載 pet society tools DOWNLOAD LINK:

pet society tool
pet society tool

看上圖,把 copy 的address paste 上result 那,然後按get code

5. copy 全部的code,  回到cheat engine 的主窗口, 下面欄(memory view下面) 右鍵=>paste

6. 然後就跟之前cheat一樣, 去探人,  探人前tick ,  探人畫面停了1-3秒就關, 然後就save…

每次cheat 不要多過100萬最適當

save failed?  你試20萬能不能save?

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“Pet society – new cheat coin 3/5” 有 57 則評論

  1. 我HACK到COINS, 只係九萬幾, 但我隻PET都未返HOME已經比PS TICK左出黎~ 再入PS, D COINS 打回原形~ 哈~

  2. 點解照足尼做都完全加唔到錢既?

  3. 第一次 cheat 左 45 萬 save 到
    洗曬 45 萬後 …. 想 cheat 第二次
    無論 chat 10 萬 , 20 萬 , 30 萬都 save 唔到

  4. 當個畫面freeze左後, 要係短時間停左個cheat engine (untick), 咁D錢就唔會太多啦…

  5. #17 一定格就tick走返ce 個tick

    一長,幾百萬都有,但save fail

  6. why我搵唔到B045110FF2AC5D89??
    我用ie 同埋 firefox都搵唔到B045110FF2AC5D89

  7. i can scan the address and done everything…
    but when i active the cheat and hug someone, the web browser will error and close. i try it at many different web browser still facing same problem. any solution?

  8. 成功加錢 (一次就自動加2百幾萬)… 不過auto save/save唔到 (save failed), send gift都failed… 再login就打回原形…

  9. I’m using firefox & flash player 9 but can’t find the address….
    can someone help me?

  10. ok i’m using firefox and flash player 9, can load now but still can’t find address >_<

  11. I’ve installed version 9, but how do i get around the “please upgrade your flash player”?
