Pet society – new cheat coin 3/5


1. Adobe flash player 9 , cheat engine 5.5

2. 賣or 買 一個蘋果,cheat engine 8 byte ,Hex, also scan read only memory  B045110FF2AC5D89

3.找到一個address後 =>右鍵 disassemble this memory region =>然後選擇那一行 go to address, copy address

4. 下載 pet society tools DOWNLOAD LINK:

pet society tool
pet society tool

看上圖,把 copy 的address paste 上result 那,然後按get code

5. copy 全部的code,  回到cheat engine 的主窗口, 下面欄(memory view下面) 右鍵=>paste

6. 然後就跟之前cheat一樣, 去探人,  探人前tick ,  探人畫面停了1-3秒就關, 然後就save…

每次cheat 不要多過100萬最適當

save failed?  你試20萬能不能save?

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“Pet society – new cheat coin 3/5” 有 57 則評論

  1. It requires me to update my flash to flash 10…. So it doesnt work for me >.<”
    Can anyone helps me to cheat???

  2. “”#11 by Quest – May 6th, 2009 at 11:56

    i can scan the address and done everything…
    but when i active the cheat and hug someone, the web browser will error and close. i try it at many different web browser still facing same problem. any solution?””

    i’m facing the problem same as this one

  3. 因為你個 hotkey 可能 tick 左你唔知, 跟住去買野或者落 bet, 所以會負錢

  4. They have fixed the cheat already, as soon as you use the cheat it will go to the lost connection screen @_@

  5. 我都系save唔到啊。。平时。。就算无按save直接logout它都会autosave 既喔~~但系2+唔得佐。。。

  6. i used flash player 9 + firefox 3.0.10 + cheat engine 5.5.
    confirm working. i’m still using the hack now.

  7. not working no matter using IE nor firefox
    after ticked the cheat and visit
    the screen hold still for a second
    and the browser suddenly shut.
    can anybody tell me what the hell is happening / . \
    thanks very much

  8. not 100% fixed by GreedyFish.
    it still works as on below time. =)
    10:55PM GMT+08 6th May.

  9. yea, cannot save anymore, this afternoon still can, but this may be good for PS, I ‘m also so tired of hacking everyday for a week long

  10. They have fixed the cheat already, as soon as you use the cheat it will go to the lost connection screen @_@
