可以極速送餐,都可以極速煮食,極速收碟, Restaurant city 比起pet society 比較好cheat,因為好多賺錢的方法同時間有關系, 游戲的模式既然是這樣,所以難改變.
0秒煮食, 都是比較好的,只需要一兩個廚師就夠了
1. 需要flash player 9 , cheat engine 5.5
2. cheat engine 設定: Hex, 8 bytes, also scan read only memory
3. 輸入0000010C8689C22B , first scan, 找到一個address,選擇這個address, 右鍵Disassemble this memory region
4. 在新的視窗中,選擇mov [esi+0000010c],eax 這一行,然後選擇Tools =>Auto assemble,在另一個新視窗, 選擇template =>Code injection=>OK
5. 在 mov [esi+0000010c],eax 下面加多一行
mov [esi+0000010c],0 //move zero value to esi+10c
然後按Execute, 完成!
想知更多關於Restaurant city 的cheat , 請瀏覽 http://www.youon9.com/index.php
To knwo more about Restaurant city cheat in english, please visit cmwong.com
把ie 的cache 清楚就可以了
this is sucks!instructions are really annoying.
This one doesn’t work anymore. 2009/07/28
sucker cheat
Funciona perfecto, mil gracias.
I can’t find the address,either.
nono , I had tried it again and it work successfully. It’s great and useful, thank you!
i have tried i t and it can’t work.
另外, youon9個討論區, 註冊左又唔比睇佢入面d野, 又唔比回複, 又唔比發帖, 咁即係要點呀??? ><“
5. 在 mov [esi+0000010c],eax 下面加多一行
mov [esi+0000010c],0 //move zero value to esi+10c
唔係好明呢句, 咁即係係0後面加 //move 定係點? 體力一樣會下降, 而且唔覺d人行快左喎 @@”