這個cheat 可以令員工體力不被扣減,
長期保持50 pop, 假如你不想去cheat coin cheat LV,
這個cheat 非常不錯,做法如下
1. 開cheat engine, 選擇你用的瀏覽器
2. value type 選double, 然後search 0.55555555555555
你會找到3個address, 將這3個數改成 零 就可以, 這樣員工體力不會下降, 把員工喂到100%, 就持續100% 直至你關閉游戲
想知更加多關於restaurant city cheat ,可以瀏覽 www.youon9.com
do wer change all the values to 0
how do we do this ?? answer please thanks
Hi Jeffrey, It works! hahahahah……..
Thank you soooooooo much! You are just lovely.
Thanks again……….
Just put 0.555555555555 on HEX value and scan. Then you’ll find 3 add. Double clicks on each one to change the value to 0.
Can anyone help! How can I find 0.55555555555555? Thanks!
新手!唔好意思^^(你會找到3個address, 將這3個數改成 零 就可以)
呢句唔係太明白 .可以詳細小小嗎 唔該
o it work, sorry
it doesnt works????
how do i change the value of the 3 address to 0?
It is so good. I can turn on the game all day without doing anything. Thank you
Hope RC won’t take it down so soon
works perfectly!
thanks! it works~!
thank you for your sharing, it can’t work suddenly
it can’t work now
Don’t think it works anymore, can’t find 0.55555555555555
HI mysa, can you tell me how to search 0.55555555555555
真係超簡單, 得咗, 唔該晒wo
Rockfu, pls help. Thanks
please tell me how to search 0.55555555555555
thanks a lot…it’s really useful and easy…!
e…有無得將呢個cheat + 埋 之前果個cheat point 黎用? 咁咪升得好快囉!
簡單到咁 = =
we must thx jackal :-D
Best hacker ever seen!
Oh, this is GREAT!!
Also wanna say thank you so much for all the info/cheats in your blog.. really appreciate it ;)
it really works! thousand thanks!
it’s working. NICE