Country Story 攻略 五 – 積分

country story 有3樣積分: Green Points,Friend Points, stamina, 這三種積分有何用處?如何增加積分?

country story icon

1.Green Points

How can I earn Green Points?
Green Points are earned by doing various tasks around the farm, ranging from plowing the soil, planting seeds, watering crops and harvesting crops.
You can also gain Green Points from helping out other players on their farms and by completing quests.

很簡單,就是不停地耕種就會有green points, 可以自己耕種, 幫朋友,或做任務

Green point 不夠的話,就不能開發土地,也就是說要升下一級才能耕種

country story


ploughing 8 points
planting seed 2 points
stealing 1 point
water crop 1 point
harvest crop 不同point,根據植物級別而定

2.Friend Points

For every gift that’s worth 100 coins, you get 1 friend point. The points can be used to ensure your crops are looked after by that particular friend, and this stops other friends from stealing from you!

Take note that anything less than 100 will not be noticeable. In addition, the maximum number of friend points can only increase by 10 per day per friend. There will be no further increase even if you give more presents.

送一個禮品給朋友就有100 coins(實際沒有增加到,要價值1000coin的物品可以增加6點), 都可以得到1個friend point(實際沒有增加到,可能未增加), 這個point 可以保護你的農作物,防止被人偷(即與偷取成功率掛鉤),每個朋友每日最多可以加10點!


The stamina bar shows how much stamina you have left – when you do work on your farm or other players farms, you lose stamina. Once the stamina has completely depleted, you will no longer be able to work – and therefore must wait until it replenishes itself again.

stamina 等同體力值, 做得越多,就會越少,太少就不能做了,要等恢復或食食物

作者: rockfu


Country Story 攻略 五 – 積分 有 “ 3 則評論 ”

  1. For every gift that’s worth 100 coins, you get 1 friend point.
    應是翻成「送的禮物價值每 100 coins,就能得到 1 的朋友點數」

    而不是「送一個禮品給朋友就有100 coins」
