1. 工具: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5
2. 開啟 Cheat engine, 左上角電視機仔選擇 Firefox browser ,選擇 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .
3.去 country story 灑水得到coin, 在Hex那里輸入 5D8B00000564840F , First scan
4. Cheat enine左手邊會得到一個結果, 選擇這個 結果, 右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region,選擇 第一行, 右鍵 =>Go to address,復制 address
5. 瀏覽http://www.catbox.com.ar/CS/regaderacoinV4/CSB43809urew.php,輸入 address 入去第一個 box
6.返回cheat engine, 輸入在Hex那里輸入 738B000000F6840F , new scan
7. Cheat enine左手邊會得到一個結果, 選擇這個 結果, 右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region,選擇 第一行, 右鍵 =>Go to address,復制 address
8.返回 http://www.catbox.com.ar/CS/regaderacoinV4/CSArt349uwer.php ,輸入 address 入去第二個 box,然後選擇幾多coins,按 Enviar, 復制出來的結果.
9.返回cheat engine,選擇Tools => Auto assemble => 右鍵=>paste=>excute
10. 返回country story 再灑水,屏幕會停了一陣,然後按save …就可以入game.
by Patiniox
english cheat site: www.cmwong.com
中文支援站: www.youon9.com
但flash player 9入唔到game
cant view enviar? is there something wrong?
點解CHEAT 得千幾蚊, 最多都係$4000
開始時得 4 萬蚊, 所以CHEAT 得$4000??
唔該, 求救AR??
一定要用 flash player 9?
可唔可以show flash player 9 o既link?