pet society new bet cheat coin

Pet society bet cheat 又回歸, 每次可以得1000 coin, 成本只需5個coin!

1. 工具: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5,

2. 進入pet soicety, 去stadium, 進入bet race, 隨便選擇一個pet, 然後開始(不要開跑哦)

3. 開啟 Cheat engine, 左上角電視機仔選擇 Firefox browser ,選擇 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan read only memory .

4.在Hex那里輸入 5D8B00000652840F, First scan

5. 右邊結果欄出現一個結果, 選擇這個 結果, 右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region,選擇 第一行, 右鍵 =>Go to address,復制 address

6.瀏覽: 右邊第3格
輸入剛才copy的 address,按enviar, copy 出來的結果,然後回到cheat engine,選擇Tools => Auto assemble  => right click=>paste=>excute

7. 返回pet society, 開始跑, 直到結束賽跑, 你會得到1000 coins, save 看看結果

作者: rockfu


pet society new bet cheat coin 有 “ 34 則評論 ”

  1. thanks for your lovely website. i can get the moneyt whatever i win or not. thx you so much ^^

  2. hi everyone,
    i found a website which u can do the same hack!
    it’s a similar website with this
    anyone want to try it?
    u can generate your code there n do the hacking in pet society =]
    but i don’t know if i can post the web page here in rockfu..

  3. can’t catch the meaning of “右邊第3格” at step 6. can u explain more please?

  4. @Shannon
    me 2 !!
    i think Patiniox got some problems these days
    i have tried lots of time but it said..

    “Not Found
    The requested URL was not found on this server. Clustered Webhosting running enhanced Apache Webserver”

    what can i do?
    anyone can help me?
    thz lol =]

  5. hello



  6. hi rockfu, that blogger’s code generator is no longer available, is there anyway to generate? Thank you.

  7. 我已經做哂所有step,但到差唔多終點時就會hang機啊…一定要我close哂所有 firefox 的 website啊…..

  8. After step 6, excute..

    Chear Engine 5.5 Feedback: The code injectrion was successful Patiniox= 037C0000

  9. 當我到達第四步按下 First scan
    但是 右欄確沒任何結果 這是什摩原因呢= =?
