1. 工具: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5,
2. 進入pet soicety, 去stadium, 進入bet race, 隨便選擇一個pet, 然後開始(不要開跑哦)
3. 開啟 Cheat engine, 左上角電視機仔選擇 Firefox browser ,選擇 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan read only memory .
4.在Hex那里輸入00002843C7E85D8B, First scan
5. 右邊結果欄出現一個結果, 選擇這個 結果, 右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region,選擇 第一行, 右鍵 =>Go to address,復制 address
6.到 http://patiniox.blogspot.com/ PS 2.0 Plus 第一行 paste 之前的 address code
7. 返回pet society,在ready 畫面, click ready,開始了比賽後,再返回CE,在Hex那里輸入 468BF4758BE85D8B=>new scan=>first scan,
8. 如步驟5,右邊結果欄出現一個結果, 選擇這個 結果, 右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region,選擇 第一行, 右鍵 =>Go to address,復制 address
9.到 http://patiniox.blogspot.com/ PS 2.0 Plus 第二行 paste 之前的 address code, 然後按放大鏡的圖案,copy 出來的結果,然後回到cheat engine,選擇Tools => Auto assemble => right click=>paste=>excute
10.返回pet society, 開始跑, 直到結束賽跑, 你會得到3000 coins, save 看看結果
Hex果D其實係咩no. ??
sorry, the cheat was outdate, only cheat now working is using account bug cheat.
i should say, right after execute, it appears a box saying “are u sure to inject??” or something like that.. if pressing yes, then the firefox window with facebook will be shut down
yea, me too, i tried it but then the firefox is closed right after i pressed execute…
whats the prob behind?? did any of u know about that???
點解..我會話..WIN every coin in bet….咩another coin delivry tomorrow so come back soon..但我等左1日都係咁…無得用了/___\
剛剛發現是PS 2.0 Plus
這個沒找到,用Cepillo Coin Hack3.0是失敗的
可能在某方面出錯了~ 囧
the firefox crashed
i have tried using firefox, IE n safari
but they all crashed
n i think we need to wait for a new hack lol
this hack can earn $2000 every time but it’s complicated -_-
i need to reflesh my ps all the time..
is it still working now? =]
感謝^ ^ 這方法很簡單
而且set 左之後開住ce 就可以不停bet
flash player 10 同冇firefox都用到