patiniox thank for you provide lots of cheats.
however, do you think everyone will go to your blog?
of coz not, for lots of the cheat, i got it from different forums before, oh~~there are lots of mickey mouses in the world.
i had post your link before =>
however i received lots of spams of your website on my blog(why?Advertising?).
if you need others to leave your name, should tell people in your blog ” copyrights ” is belong to your blog, but you didn’t
Also, CK just release a tools, this tools belong to ck, you didn’t release any mothods to tell people how to generate that code.
This is a internet, cheating game just for fun, why you so stingy.
If you said we shold respect for your work,
how about playfish?=] playfish hide some cats to fix the rats >.<
sorry for my poor english if you can’t understand what i mean.
thank you for you again, thank you for promoting my websites, have a nice day, god bless you.