love u patiniox

patiniox thank for you provide lots of cheats.

however, do you think everyone will go to your blog?

of coz not,  for lots of the cheat, i got it from different forums before, oh~~there are lots of mickey mouses in the world.

i had post your link before =>

however i received lots of spams of your website on my blog(why?Advertising?).

if you need others to leave your name, should tell people in your blog  ” copyrights ” is belong to your blog, but you didn’t

Also, CK just release a tools, this tools belong to ck, you didn’t release any mothods to tell people how to generate that code.

This is a internet, cheating game just for fun, why you so stingy.

If you said we shold respect for your work,

how about playfish?=]   playfish hide some cats to fix the rats >.<

sorry for my poor english if you can’t understand  what i mean.

thank you for you again, thank you for promoting my websites, have a nice day, god bless you.


今日四川地震一周年, 時間過得真快。




Pet society – 1 May News

[特別新聞報道] 今日是5月1號勞動節, 但玩魚公司沒有放棄今日假期,制造了一場Pet Pet 大屠殺.死亡Pet數慘重. 有傳媒報道此是因為cheat 流感引起今日大屠殺行動. 為了阻止cheat 流感蔓延, 玩魚公司決定大屠殺,阻止疫情蔓延!
據網友透露, 死亡Pet 的戶口多數集中於幾十萬至幾百萬金幣不等. 本來此流感至盛行於假戶口,但流感感染力強勁,蔓延至真戶口,導致部分網友真戶口都受到感染,一起被玩魚封殺. 對於網友假戶口被屠殺, 表示cheat流感可能變種,要密切留意,更要努力研究新流感. 至於真戶口被屠殺, RockFu.Net 向被屠殺Pet的主人 表示深切慰問. 由於 的假戶口同樣被屠殺, 決定化悲情為力量,表示會繼續留意事態發展,不排除制造更加多的假戶口.同時成立 英文討論區, 打算聯合各國組成聯合國cheat 流感研究小組, 交流cheat 流感基因圖.