country story cheat

才剛開始, country story 已經有好多cheat 啦,想知道關於country story cheat,可以瀏覽

其實今次的cheat 只是RC的cheat 的重復版本,因為游戲模式和RC有些相同,所以大家可以由RC那里去參考

country story cheat green point cheat, 由 的lok814 發布

1. cheat engine 5.5

2. value type :double

3. first scan: input your Green point value

做些事例如灑水改變一下 green point,輸入green point , next scan 就可以得到一個value,直接更改就可以

不過要注意,太大就不行了,自己慢慢試吧, 我建議…升到56後,開了很多田地,然後把經驗降下來

想知道關於country story cheat,可以瀏覽

Country Story 攻略 五 – 積分

country story 有3樣積分: Green Points,Friend Points, stamina, 這三種積分有何用處?如何增加積分?

country story icon

1.Green Points

How can I earn Green Points?
Green Points are earned by doing various tasks around the farm, ranging from plowing the soil, planting seeds, watering crops and harvesting crops.
You can also gain Green Points from helping out other players on their farms and by completing quests.

很簡單,就是不停地耕種就會有green points, 可以自己耕種, 幫朋友,或做任務

Green point 不夠的話,就不能開發土地,也就是說要升下一級才能耕種

country story


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country story 攻略 三 任務

country story 攻略 三 Quests

country story icon

country stroy

注意: 任務要求收集的物品,一旦完成後就會被取走,那就不能賣了~