laravel 是近期十分熱門的php開發框架,本人雖然基本上在linux 上開發,不過最近因為工作環境的關係,同時用上windows,上網也見到一段視頻很不錯,提供給入門者。
分類: Laravel
install laravel 4 with wamp
Laravel Just update to 4 stable, user can’t download the laravel 4 directly, it need composer to download and install, here the step to install the laravel 4 with wamp.
my OS is window 7 64 bit
1. install wamp
2.enable the openssl in wamp control. open the folder C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.x.x to edit the php.ini, remove the comment “;” before extension=php_openssl.dll. and install composer with installer
4.after finish install, open the command line window, type: composer, it will show the command line.
5. download the laravel core file
or run command:
composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name
if you donwload the file form the github, just run” composer install”
now you can run your laravel 4 now!
Error review:
the “http:/xxx” file could not be downloaded: failded to open stream: unableto find the socket transport “ssl” – did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
please remember to enable the openssl
wamp need to edit two part to enable the openssl.
1. enable it from the panel icon, PHP=>php extensions=> php_openssl the folder C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.x.x to edit the php.ini, remove the comment “;” before extension=php_openssl.dll.