克隆技術又翻生?非也,這次的clone 是令之前消失的物品在商店重新出現!不過講解很復雜,因此拍了片子~其實也很簡單可以實現,不過你前提就是要有coin 哦!
先下載fiddler 2
網址:http://www.sendspace.com/file/8bgkkz 由youon9.com kaka提供
首先開fiddler,然後開firefox, 在firefox 右下角有個叫fiddler,選為use fiddler automatically 就可以
pet society new clone!
clone shop item, old item will back to the shop, save more coin to buy anything back!
download:fiddler 2
download shopmaker
link:http://www.sendspace.com/file/8bgkkz 由youon9.com kaka提供
the video will show you how to clone the item back to the shop!
To use Firefox instead IE :
open fiddler, then open firefox, you can see the fiddler on the right down corner, just change it to use fiddler automatically
I don’t know where the tutorial comes from, but thank you for the autor so much
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjD5j2lArXI 繼續閱讀 “Pet society clone cheat back!”