country story cheat coin en

1. requiement: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5

2. run Cheat engine, choose your Firefox browser , select 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

3.Go to country story use water can to water your farm , Input 5D8B00000564840F , First scan

4. you will find out one result at the left handside, choose this result, right click=>Disassemble this memory region, select the top line, right click =>Go to address, copy that address

5. go to, paste your address to the first box, than back to cheat engine

6.Input 738B000000F6840F , new scan, the same as setp 4 to copy the addresss , then go to setp 5 website input address into second box,

7. choose how much coins you want to get, then click Enviar, Copy all of the out put result. 繼續閱讀 “country story cheat coin en”

Country story cheat coin

1. 工具: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5

2. 開啟 Cheat engine, 左上角電視機仔選擇 Firefox browser ,選擇 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

3.去 country story 灑水得到coin, 在Hex那里輸入 5D8B00000564840F , First scan

4.  Cheat enine左手邊會得到一個結果, 選擇這個  結果, 右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region,選擇 第一行, 右鍵 =>Go to address,復制 address

5. 瀏覽,輸入 address 入去第一個 box

6.返回cheat engine, 輸入在Hex那里輸入 738B000000F6840F , new scan 繼續閱讀 “Country story cheat coin”

country story remove plot

country story 更新!新增移除農田功能,不過每次要收50 coins!但比起之前不小心就挖了塊地,打破了DIY農場這個idea,50 coin 只是小事一樁:lol: 


 首先選擇=>country story icon
然後選擇Remove Plot, 按住個icon, 拉去你移除的農田那里,就會移除了!太好啦!現在開始可以慢慢布置自己的農地了!

country story remove farm

country story cheat trophy

1.需要 Flash player9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5

2. 開啟 Cheat engine, 左上角電視機仔選擇 Firefox browser ,選擇 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

3.在Hex那里輸入F685DC758B104389,去灑水或拾石頭木,然後 First scan

4.右邊找到一個address,選擇這個address右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region, 選擇mov ecx,[ebp-1c] 這行,選擇Tools => Auto assemble => Template => Code injection => OK ecx,[ebp-1c] 同 mov edx,[ecx+10] 之間加一行mov [ecx+10],186a0,效果如下 繼續閱讀 “country story cheat trophy”

country story cheat green point

country story cheat green point (EXP)

1.需要 Flash player9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5
2. 開啟 Cheat engine, 左上角電視機仔選擇 Firefox browser ,選擇 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

3.在Hex那里輸入FC2444C7C1580FF2, First scan

 4.你會找到一個以『4』 結尾的address, 選擇這個address右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region, 選擇最頭那行,右鍵=>Change Register Location
5.選擇 EBX, 輸入 7d0 => OK

6. 每次加2000, 加完記得改下背景給系統自動save, 讓後可以繼續cheat…
更多cheat 請瀏覽
ENG: 繼續閱讀 “country story cheat green point”

Country story animals

Country story 動物篇

country story animals
在country story 里面,養動物是高消費,而且要收成還要等候漫長的時間,真是十分辛苦的工作.但是見到可愛的雞子,羊咩咩和牛牛,感覺又十分開心.所以就忍不住先養雞子.

要養動物需要coin, wood, stone, 而且份量不少,就例如雞仔
country story animals
雞子算是最低消費的動物了, 12000 coin +18wood/stone, 假如你還未有足夠coin,不用擔心,得到雞仔有另一個方法:升級, 你只需要升到第8級就可以得到一只雞仔,而且還有足夠的稻子養雞仔.
其他動物就貴了: 繼續閱讀 “Country story animals”