country story collect cheat II

1. requiement: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5

2. run Cheat engine, choose your Firefox browser , select 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

3.Go to country story pick up one stone, Input E845890000000AB8 , First scan

4. you will find out one result at the left handside, choose this result, right click=>Disassemble this memory region, select the top line, right click =>Go to address, copy that address

5. go to , input your address to this box, than click Enviar, Copy all of the out put result.
繼續閱讀 country story collect cheat II

pet society – brush coin hack

pet society 新cheat,效果是每刷一次pet,都可以得到兩個coin,去探訪朋友,一起刷就每次4個coin,效果還可以。


1. flash player 9 , cheat engine 5.5

2.選擇8byte,hex,Also scan memory,

3.首先賣個蘋果然後刷一下pet,接著開cheat engine,選擇你的瀏覽器, 以HEX first scan :110FF2D045590FF2

繼續閱讀 pet society – brush coin hack

Pet society soga cheat coin

有一輪時間沒有去看pet society 了,暑假嘛,當然做自己想做的事,今日在youon9.com見到有新cheat 了,又見這里長期沒有發表新的東東,所以post下吧,來自Patoniox 的 soga cheat,不停跳繩掛機cheat coin,一小時都可以得幾千個coin,一日就可以得幾萬,一部機開幾個account同時掛就是幾十萬。


Flash player 9, Firefox or google browser, cheat engine 5.5

code1 : 408B0000011D840F

code 2:4589C47589544F8B

8byte, Hex,Also scan memory

1. 首先賣個蘋果,然後開始跳繩

2. first scan 408B0000011D840F, 找到一個address 後,右鍵,Disassemble this memory region, 然後再右鍵Go to address, copy 個address

繼續閱讀 Pet society soga cheat coin

love u patiniox

patiniox thank for you provide lots of cheats.

however, do you think everyone will go to your blog?

of coz not,  for lots of the cheat, i got it from different forums before, oh~~there are lots of mickey mouses in the world.

i had post your link before =>

however i received lots of spams of your website on my blog(why?Advertising?).

if you need others to leave your name, should tell people in your blog  ” copyrights ” is belong to your blog, but you didn’t

Also, CK just release a tools, this tools belong to ck, you didn’t release any mothods to tell people how to generate that code.

This is a internet, cheating game just for fun, why you so stingy.

If you said we shold respect for your work,

how about playfish?=]   playfish hide some cats to fix the rats >.<

sorry for my poor english if you can’t understand  what i mean.

thank you for you again, thank you for promoting my websites, have a nice day, god bless you.

pet society new cheat tools 3.2

pet society new cheat tools updated, new version is  3.0

how to cheat pet society , download video:

the tools download links:


tips : 5+8 (two store in ps)

thank you CK

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