pet society level hack


這個是22號已經發布的level hack, pet society 好像還沒fix!


1. 工具: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5

2. 開啟 Cheat engine, 左上角電視機仔選擇 Firefox browser ,選擇 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

3.去pet society 買個蘋果,然後在cheat engine 輸入110FF2D045590FF2 , first scan,

4. Cheat enine左手邊會得到一個結果, 選擇這個  結果, 右鍵=>Disassemble this memory region,選擇 第一行, 右鍵 =>Go to address,復制 address

5. 然後把address  貼到: ,選擇 所需要的等級,按 Enviar, 復制出來的結果.

6.返回cheat engine,選擇Tools => Auto assemble  => 右鍵=>paste=>excute

回到pet society 買個蘋果就升級了!

開多新的用戶升級有錢增加,然後買東西發給舊的用戶, 這也不錯的cheat coin 方法哦 繼續閱讀 “pet society level hack”

restaurant city easy hack

來自 restaurant city 的消息,

有piaip 出品的piaip hack, 使用十分簡單,只需開一開,拉一拉就可以使用,放在手指(USB)就可以,

我拍了段片,給大家看看,我覺得應該是最簡單的工具! 厲害! 多謝piaip!

轉跳看片和下載 繼續閱讀 “restaurant city easy hack”

country story cheat

才剛開始, country story 已經有好多cheat 啦,想知道關於country story cheat,可以瀏覽

其實今次的cheat 只是RC的cheat 的重復版本,因為游戲模式和RC有些相同,所以大家可以由RC那里去參考

country story cheat green point cheat, 由 的lok814 發布

1. cheat engine 5.5

2. value type :double

3. first scan: input your Green point value

做些事例如灑水改變一下 green point,輸入green point , next scan 就可以得到一個value,直接更改就可以

不過要注意,太大就不行了,自己慢慢試吧, 我建議…升到56後,開了很多田地,然後把經驗降下來

想知道關於country story cheat,可以瀏覽

love u patiniox

patiniox thank for you provide lots of cheats.

however, do you think everyone will go to your blog?

of coz not,  for lots of the cheat, i got it from different forums before, oh~~there are lots of mickey mouses in the world.

i had post your link before =>

however i received lots of spams of your website on my blog(why?Advertising?).

if you need others to leave your name, should tell people in your blog  ” copyrights ” is belong to your blog, but you didn’t

Also, CK just release a tools, this tools belong to ck, you didn’t release any mothods to tell people how to generate that code.

This is a internet, cheating game just for fun, why you so stingy.

If you said we shold respect for your work,

how about playfish?=]   playfish hide some cats to fix the rats >.<

sorry for my poor english if you can’t understand  what i mean.

thank you for you again, thank you for promoting my websites, have a nice day, god bless you.